Home >> Our AI Solutions
We propose the following Artificial Intelligence-ing Roadmap for our customers with clear phases and deliverables. Our engagements stand-out from most teams with an unmatched openness and transparency in our communication.
We deliver AI Solutions in 3 levels of engagement: AI Enablement, AI Enrichment, & AI Transformation.
AI Enablement
This is our 1st level engagement. We'll analyze & identify AI capability gaps in your AI initiatives and through training and workshop sessions improve your AI competency.
We propose the following Artificial Intelligence-ing Roadmap for our customers with clear phases and deliverables. Our engagements stand-out from most teams with an unmatched openness and transparency in our communication.
We deliver AI Solutions in 3 levels of engagement: AI Enablement, AI Enrichment, & AI Transformation.
AI Enablement
This is our 1st level engagement. We'll analyze & identify AI capability gaps in your AI initiatives and through training and workshop sessions improve your AI competency.
* Reduced transition costs to jumpstart your AI initiatives
* Greater scalability provided due to location optimization
* Increased Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) availability to focus on core business due to a single transition
* Reduced risks due to our holistic understanding of your business processes & associated systems
This is our 2nd level engagement. We'll study and define your problem with clear expectations of the input data and results. We'll establish AI/ML enabled processes through carefully selected pilot projects.
* Increased end customer satisfaction
* Increased scalability in operations due to our cross-training of your resources
* Improved first-time-right capability
* Y-O-Y productivity gains in your business operations and IT operations
AI Transformation
This is our 3rd level engagement. You already have a data analytics team established. We'll collaborate, work jointly, and lead in transforming your organizational processes with AI/ML technology.Benefits:
* Demand creation driven by an integrated backend with AI capabilities
* Improved cost predictability
* On-demand service availability
* Increased customer satisfaction due to balanced scorecard governance of our AI initiatives
* Innovation as a culture be established in your organization
* Adoption of newer commercial models (example: Results-based dynamic pricing)